Other Words for Came to an Agreement

When it comes to business deals, negotiations and agreements are a crucial part of the process. However, using the same phrases and words to describe the outcome of these discussions can be repetitive and unoriginal. As a professional, it`s important to have a variety of synonyms and phrases to keep your content fresh and engaging. In this article, we`ll explore some alternate ways to describe coming to an agreement.

1. Reached a consensus – This is a great way to indicate that both parties agreed on a decision or solution.

2. Struck a deal – This phrase has a more casual tone but still conveys the idea of a mutually beneficial agreement.

3. Settled on – This phrase implies a compromise was made by both parties in order to reach an agreement.

4. Hammered out – Similar to “settled on,” this phrase emphasizes the effort and negotiation that went into reaching the agreement.

5. Mutually agreed upon – This phrase is more formal, but it clearly communicates that both parties have come to an understanding.

6. Concluded negotiations – This phrase signals the end of the negotiation process and the beginning of a finalized agreement.

7. Inked a deal – This phrase has a more celebratory tone and reinforces the idea that a concrete agreement has been reached.

8. Signed off on – This phrase implies a legal aspect to the agreement and suggests that all parties have given their approval.

9. Closed the deal – This is a more direct way of conveying that a mutually satisfactory agreement has been reached.

10. Agreed in principle – This phrase indicates that the agreement is not yet final, but both parties have agreed on the basic terms and are moving forward with the process.

Using these alternatives to “came to an agreement” will make your content more interesting and engaging. It`s important to remember that using synonyms and related phrases will also help improve your SEO. By incorporating different variations of your key phrases, you`ll be able to target a wider range of search terms and attract more relevant traffic to your website. So, the next time you`re writing about a business deal or negotiation, consider using one of these phrases to keep your content fresh and engaging.